Welcome to My Blog!

Welcome. My name is Douglas McCulloch, author of Poetry Matters – Write!, An Economics Primer For International Students, and Valuing Health In Practice.

Poetry Matters – Write!
The blog is the perfect location for developing poetry writing skills, and exchanging opinions. We hope its readers will eventually become writers of their own work, in particular by participating in the Silversprings Poetry Competition. In the blog, I will encourage writers’ comments, and provide background information about the poems in the book, and the life experiences that shaped them. Emails from students are welcome; only selected emails will be reproduced in the blog, and then only with the email author’s agreement.

An Economics Primer for International Students
Economics is a hard subject for many, and not all colleges are as rigorous as they ought to be in their marking of student work. The quickest progress will be made by those who carefully (and usually slowly) read their way through the strict logic and arguments of the Primer, and ask specific questions by e-mail, as they arise. This is reading at a higher level than most people are used to, and it takes both determination and practice to do it properly. It is good training for business. When you tell me (by email) you are ready, I will supply a twenty question multiple choice test, for you to send in its answers by email, and for me to mark. All marks will be kept confidential.

Valuing Health In Practice
This book is at the postgraduate level; it presents basic principles which most health economists, to-day, will take for granted. The book is cheaper than most in this field, but it is dated (originally 2003). I will be happy to respond to emails with specific questions, or to return (with comments) a paper which you feel is ready for submission to a journal; please specify the journal.

All the best for now,


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